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Php Url Builder Form

By Swapnil Sarwe, Published on 16 Mar, 2008

Being a Web Developer, URL plays a very vital role in my life. On a daily basis I have to play with the URL for various reasons for several different purposes. Most of the times I find myself searching for the particular parameter in the URL in the address bar of the browser to change and test something or the other. For short URLs editing right into the address bar seems to work very fine. But when dealing with long URLs it becomes frustrating to find the particular parameter and edit it and when you want to edit several parameters the job seems to be like hell.

So I thought how would I simplify the process in a neat clean manner. And hence the idea of PHP URL Builder Form came up.

PHP URL Builder basically is the tool, where I can put a sample URL and submit. Which will give me all the parameters in the HTML Form with the values in the text boxes which can be edited easily. On submission of this form you are given the updated URL with the clickable link.

I hope you find this tool useful. Will be working more to add new features like

  • Adding of new query parameters to the URL dynamically with JS
  • Validation to consider all kinds of URLs
  • Code it in a much cleaner manner for optimum development

You can find the code on github page for PHP URL Builder Form You can test it out here at this link

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