Is this heaven?

By Swapnil Sarwe, Published on 09 Mar, 2008

Few days before I was surfing through orkut and checking the latest updates my friends have made. I checked out Nishir's profile to found out that he has been married and had gone to some place named Krabi may be for honeymoon or may be he was working there (I dont know the exact reason). He had put up some pics of him and his wife having a wonderful time in that beautiful place. On some of the pictures he had left the comment saying "Is this heaven?".

Even I was amazed to see the wonderful pic of that place, but then at that moment itself thought just crossed my mind. That place was not alienated, its the place on the same earth where we are staying for millions of years. If that place is beautiful then every other place also should be the same. If that place is what can be thought of as heaven then this earth also should be.

This all leads me to the assumption of thoughts to find the answer of the same question "Why are we here?". If the place like Krabi, Singapore are compared to heaven then everything else should be too. We all have heard from our ancestors how earth was a beautiful place with lots of trees and mountains and rivers - which are nature$&039;s most beautiful ornaments which makes this earth look so beautiful. But then they are not in the same state as it was before, we are losing trees day by day and water is getting messier everyday. If all this would have happened naturally - it would have been fine. But then the answer is big NO, its not happening naturally, its us HUMAN who are tryin to ruin the state of world. Its us who are cutting trees, drilling mountains and making water dirtier and air unbreathable day by day.

The question to be asked ourselves is why? Is it going to make our life better and make this earth a better place to leave?

If yes. Great! Then I am glad that you found a way - before I could even start - to make this earth a better place to leave.

If no. Please let me know who can stop this all.

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